If you ever have any issues regarding maintenance, the best thing you can do is report it immediately. Obviously, take a photo of the situation straight away. That way we can act on your behalf and we can show the owner/s. The owner/s will give the approval to have a tradesperson out there so the situation can be rectified straight away. Once the work is completed @ Real Estate will contact to make sure it is completed to a good standard, once again a photo is great. Photos are a great thing with maintenance, as when we are talking to you, we aren’t always necessarily talking about the same issue.
Don’t just tell us something like ‘my hot water system isn’t working.’ There is a large variety of things that can happen to a hot water system. So, the more information you can give us a better, quicker and less money for the owner.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the office on (07) 4819 9676