Council’s 2017/18 Budget to drive job creation and economic uplift

LIVINGSTONE Shire Council’s 2017-18 Budget is the culmination of months of meticulous and collaborative deliberations by Councillors, Council’s Senior Management Team and Department Heads to deliver a budget that continues to lay a solid foundation for the long-term financial sustainability of our Shire.

Creating jobs and the investment opportunities that will underpin future prosperity, the 2017-18 Budget also reflects Council’s ongoing commitment to optimise service delivery while maintaining the highest possible standard of amenity for residents and ratepayers.

Council’s success in proactively securing more than $40.2M in State and Federal Government funding toward the budget will allow Council to deliver a record $97.4M in key projects and capital works across Livingstone Shire.

These vital projects are not only an investment in our future, they are also creating immediate local jobs and facilitating long-term economic recovery following the challenges presented by natural disasters and continuing downturns in the resource, construction and tourism sectors.

Major job-creating projects funded in the budget include the completion of the next stages of the Yeppoon and Emu Park Foreshore and Town Centre Revitalisations along with Stage 1 of the Yeppoon Homemaker Centre. Combined, these three projects are forecast to create more than 200 full time jobs during the construction phase alone.

Council’s Strategic Rural and Urban Road Networks will see a combined investment of $36.6M over the next Financial Year including $10M for maintenance works and $26.6M in capital works across the Shire.

Read more here: http://www.livingstone.qld.gov.au/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2056

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